Each week, we have a simple meal together. Students love food. But more than that, Jesus often spent time with his friends and followers around a meal. Following Jesus' example, we see the meal as an intentional time for students to slow down, relax, and connect with others.
This Week (1/15) Loaded Nachos, Grapes, Brownies.
Kids grow up too fast. Once in Junior High or High School, having fun can take a back seat to achievements for the future. Yet laughter is good for the soul, and playing games together is a wonderful way to connect. We devise a creative way to engage the students each week, working together, having fun, and laughing. Sometimes, those games are competitive, and sometimes, they're plain silliness.
This Week (1/15) A couple of team relay games (egg maze, hand and foot hopscotch, and the knee trembler)
We are a nondenominational, God-honoring, Jesus-exalting, Bible-centered church trying to provide a place for students to grow in relationships, maturity, and their faith journey. All are welcome; we believe God has something for each student who shows up. God makes himself known to us in two profound and related ways: through the person of Jesus Christ and the Bible. Each week, we will read a portion of the Bible and see what we can learn about God, about us as people, about who Jesus is and what he does in our lives, and how all that can shape how we think, speak, and live.
We will pause our study of the Gospel of John to focus on Advent.
This week (1/15): God's Great Road Trip: Joining Moses in the VW Bus - Finding our Identity in Christ and the Impact that Makes
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